Posted by Jack on 8th January 2011
I recently bought this amp from a ham on EBay. He didn’t have any more info on it than ‘it works’. I would at least like to know what the typical RF output is (it has a pair of 6LQ6’s). I’ve not received it yet else I would have more hints. Let me know if you have a manual or a schematic:

UPDATE (March 26, 2011) – This amp is a 100watt Amplifier. The one I received is in fine shape and will be used with care and enthusiasm.
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Posted by Jack on 6th January 2011
OK, that was cool, and easy. Using UISS by ON6MU, I was able to receive packets from the International Space Station for a few days on 145.825MHz. This evening I was able to connect to the RS0ISS-11 packet BBS (and was quickly reminded it was for the CREW only [oops, sorry, QLF]). Nonetheless, it was a valid round-trip QSO to and from the International Space Station.
Gear used:
I was using my Yaesu FT-857D at 50watts into a diagonally-oriented J-pole. LOL. This particular pass’s max elevation was 18 degrees. This is so much easier than even trying to work the LEOs with voice!
Here’s a screen shot of the happenings:

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