Posted by Jack on 29th November 2009
Call: K6JEB
Operator(s): K6JEB
Station: K6JEB
Class: Single Operator All Band (Assisted) High Power
QTH: Richmond, California
Operating Time (hrs): 16:57
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 4 2 1
80: 1 1 1
40: 62 19 22
20: 78 19 20
15: 15 7 12
10: 1 1 1
Total: 161 49 59 Total Score = 42,768
Club: Northern California Contest Club
I was a casual participant in this year’s CQ WW DX. Even with 500 watts, a wire
antenna on the low bands and a Butternut are not pile-up busters with this
contest. But there were some great new ones on the bands for me and it was
always fun trying to make a few more points. Glory be to all the JA’s!!!!
Heard some terrific operators working massive pileups with ease.
Even with some casual effort, I came away with a few new DXCC entities. Here’s a screen capture of my Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook totals (as K6JEB) before and then after this weekend’s casual operation:

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Posted by Jack on 23rd November 2009
Call: K6JEB
Operator(s): K6JEB
Station: K6JEB
Class: SO Unlimited HP
QTH: East Bay
Operating Time (hrs): 23:08
Band QSOs
160: 0
80: 155
40: 99
20: 71
15: 40
10: 0
Total: 365 Sections = 70 Total Score = 51,100
Club: Northern California Contest Club
The bands were reflective of the season: mashed potatoes and gravy all of
Saturday. Thanks for the spots! That makes a huge difference when you’re a
little gun.
Used my Yaesu FT-857D and Dentron GLA-1000 (500watts max) into an Inverted-L for 160m (about 35 feet high) and a ground-mounted Butternut HF9V along with Writelog. I did fire-up my Yaesu FT-840 early-on to try my hand at some Search and Pounce on other bands but since I didn’t have the CAT cable connected, I had to log each QSO manually, and so it became easier to just go to that band (barefoot) on the FT-857.
Because I lent my amp cable to a fellow EBARC member, I could only control the PTT on my amp with a foot switch, instead of automatically from the rig and computer. In other words, if you heard me at all this past week on the bands, that was actually me, not a recording (though I was able to call CQ from the computer barefoot, but that was not very productive). So a big note for next year: make sure you have all your cables and computer stuff set up weeks before to ensure the suffering is not repeated at this level.
My eyes and body and especially my legs were just tired and exhausted. I’ve been on party benders that have left me more lucid than I felt after this contest hi hi!
73 and KB
Jack, K6JEB
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Posted by Jack on 20th November 2009
I just worked T88AA in Palau on 20m CW running barefoot into an inverted-L for 160m up about 35 feet.
That’s a new DXCC country for me. We had to go an extra round to get my callsign correct. Now to get it QSL’d.
Here the audio:
K6JEB working T88AA 20091120 at 2351UTC on 14.001.95Mhz
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